Tips On Staying Consistent In Your Faith

Hello friends, I am switching up the content for this post and instead of taking a deep dive into different areas of Christianity, I thought I would share some of the practical things that I do to stay consistent in my faith. These may not be for everyone, but I feel like anyone could take these and make them their own!

Tip #1

My first tip is to establish a routine. I do not want you to think that by routine I mean creating a strict, rigid schedule that eventually becomes a chore. If you are someone who enjoys a strict and rigid schedule, then by all means, create one! But for majority of us, we are looking for something more practical. For example, this year I told myself I would began to keep a gratitude journal and write in it every day. I don’t always write in it the moment I wake up, or even later in my mornings. Somedays I write in the evening, somedays I make a note in my phone in class in the middle of the day. I don’t have a scheduled time for it but I make it a priority to put it in my day-to-day routine. It’s kind of like your dinner routine, somedays dinners at 5pm, the next day dinner may be at 8pm. But no matter what time of day it is, you know that you will eat dinner because it has become a part of your daily routine.

Tip #2

My second tip is to find people who will hold you accountable! Whether it’s in your faith or just life in general, you need accountability. A great mentor of mine always used the phrase “find your three”. Your three are three people, they can be friends, family members, roommates etc…, who you can share your faith, vision for life, or dreams with. They will encourage you to keep going when you are struggling and they will ask you the hard questions that no one else is asking. The focus of you and your three should be building each other up in your faith. Sometimes that will look like hard conversations about the rougher areas of your life, but the idea of these conversations is that you are actively being built up and encouraged.

Tip #3

My third tip is to find a community! Very similar to finding your three, you need to be apart of a bigger community. Your community is people that you have a similar vision with or even all collectively have the same goals. The best part of being apart of a bigger community is that it gives you time to step back and just receive if thats what you need. These are the people who you can learn from, seek different perspectives on things etc… Like your three, this community will also serve as a source of encouragement and can help keep you on track with your faith goals. Examples of these communities could be churches, small groups, or even campus organizations.

photo by Sozo Church
Tip #4

The fourth tip is to keep a journal! Keeping a journal seems to be the most difficult of these because it really forces you to make time for it. I have found that keeping a journal has completely transformed my faith walk. The days can often feel so long that they start to blur together and we become overwhelmed and lost in the chaos of the week. Writing in a journal can help keep your thoughts, feelings, and goals organized. Journaling also gives you a great opportunity to see how much you have grown, it’s incredible to look back at something you wrote a year a go and say “wow, I can’t believe how much I have changed!”

Tip #5

My last and final tip is one that has truly changed my life. It is to find something that makes you feel most connected to God. This is going to look different for everyone, but finding this can become key and being consistent. This can look like, art, movies, books, poems, music, gardening, etc… but once you find what it is, draw nearer to that and surround yourself with it!

For more tips, check out another great blog that details resources you can use!

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